The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Used to. I remember the Lome Prietta in S.F. many years ago. Flew along the Oakland hills that night, the whole of the Bay Area was black. Not many lights at all.

TPBM is the one who still lives in earthquake country.
not as prevelant as california but there is a fault in the eastern us. every blue moon or so we will get a shake....low magnitude but enough to have you say WTF was that?

TPBM likes to play pool ( billiards )
used to, still have my two piece stick made by an old timer in Oakland. Made it look like one off the rack! Camo if you like.

TPBM used to play for cash as well.
I had the help of family on this one.
Left my dog, of 7 years, with my family on going into Navy boot camp.
On leave I came "home" and no Spot?????
"Oh... he died of gangreen!!!!!! Now how the H3ll does a pet die of gangreen?????

TPBM watches "Man finds food" and slivates!

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