The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Whenever I like at HARS
T-6, Vampires (2), Canberra, F-111, C-47, DC-4, Cat, P2V's (2), S2F, Aussie Sabre, Connie, couple of Caribous, 2 Neptunes, BF-108 and a P-47 or two under resto.....

BTW, I gotta go and re-paint, by hand, ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE down the upper side of the C-47 one day. We did new roundels on the wings a while back, I just made the patterns, the guys did the painting. Sorry for going on about them.

TPBM is a Ramp Tramp like I was at one time.......... hangs out at airports and make a pest of himself.

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