The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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No, but thinking of getting one for internet shopping (pay through a mate at the moment)

I've got some some great walkaround photos of the Mig 3 (including cockpit) in a mag too which I'll send you too.

TPBM thinks she's a great looking aircraft...
I don't actually..I know the AFC had 6 Polikarpov I-16s (four since sold), and a yak-3, but I don't know if anyone has or had an LA-5 at all...

TPBM does know where you can find one...
Certain types I like, from different eras...did think about modelling the Russian helicopters at one time too. (Might still do a Mil Mi-8 and 24 in Hungarian colours eventually, as I've seen them 'in the flesh' here)

TPBM would love to see a real Mi 24 'Hind' too...

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