The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Been raining here in Va. Beach for two days. would like to see some

TPBM is watching the rain, like me...

No, I'm thinking the day off and a bottle of good Irish Whiskey sounds a lot better right now.

TPBM has an old injury acting up and causing them pain the last couple fo days.
The Hand of Glory is the dried and pickled hand of a man who has been hanged, often specified as being the left hand, or else, if the man were hanged for murder, the hand that "did the deed."

TPBM thinks this kind of stuff is hogwash....

Never got into Sherlock Holmes too much. And no. Doc Watson is not his sidekick. He is an American Guitar Virtuoso, plays Bluegrass/Folk, Flatpicking and Fingerpicking are his claim to fame. Has been legally blind since early childhood and is a master of the fretboard.

TPBM has blisters on thier fingers.
Not busy, but frustrating. Trying to pull apart a faulty power supply from a server repair I am doing and it refuses to come apart into it's individual componants, Grrrrrr!!!

TPBM thinks I should take BFH after it? (BFH = Big Flippen Hammer).

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