The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Wouldn't mind! Not alf!

If you have a spare 50k or so. The White Shadow is also a beautiful bike even more desirable.

TPBM likes Velocettes..........
No! Aircraft, yes, bikes, no. Still, if Mitsubishi can make Aircraft, ships,VCRs and cars, why not!

TPBM agrees
Ive seen one in the flesh, VERY rare.
1954 Vincent Series-C `White Shadow' sells for a World Record - Motorcyclist Online

TPBM would like one.......
Is THAT a white shadow...? I thought that the bike would be white or something.....what's the difference between the white and the the black then?

TPBM will explain....
No, no MySpace account..... but I do remember the old radio mystery shows.
"Inner Sanctum" was my favorite...

TPBM has never been to an air show...


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