The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yup :D My old man and i have built 2 60s and 70s Hondas.

Love the Triumph Bonnie and the Hurricane triple. Also Vincent Black Shadows and Manx Norton Singles ..............brm brm

TPBM knows what a MAnx Norton is.....
Manx Norton was a racing bike... A nice looking one, just as the AJS 7R



TPBM likes what he sees....
Sure would.............The old jap bikes go hard and sound great especially without baffles...........:D

TPBM believes that the new Triumph Bonneville is not as good as the original........
Ya sure do, beautiful machines. The new F4 is a credit to the name aswell.
My old man had a 500 Alpino Laverda a few years back.

TPBM like me loves the 998 Ducati...........

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