The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I think my truck is clean once or twice a year? Pointless to try yot keep it clean in this State. Next truck I buy will be painted Mud Brown so at least it looks like it's clean.

TPBM likes my way of thinking;)
Two more hours. Have to pick up some Birthday cards/presents for my sister and bro-in-law during my lunch hour.

TPBM is working on a very frustrating project at work.
How did you guess ? I'm working my Warranty Schedule. This matches what
the repair order closed at (money-wise) and what Mazda is paying. Always
a few dollars difference !

TPBM likes bear claws....

A chocolate eclaire, perhaps ? Havn't had one of those in a while. But I
don't have a weight problem.

Neither does TPBM...

FOUND IT!!!! This thread was started by a very young gal named luckicious, wikipedia says it best, or you can always yahoo.

TPBM is gonna laugh8)

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