The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope, tried to learn to play keyboard once on my own, but it was too time consuming. Going to build myself a Guitar one of these days and start playing again.

TPBM knows what Travis Picking means.
Travis Picking, named after Merle Travis, involves playing a steady bass pattern with the thumb and filling out some syncopated rhythms with the fingers of the right hand (assuming a right handed guitarist).

I looked it up. :oops:

TPBM is an American Idol fan.

Haven't heard of the car but I have heard of Brabham.

I missed the Ford post. I'm Ford then Mopar. Ford made some beautiful cars in the '60s.

TPBM knows what Qwerty is.


  • ford-gt40.jpg
    21 KB · Views: 92
Don't watch too much TV anymore, am able to tune out commercials for the most part.

TPBM has been to the Smithsonian Air Museum and will tell us of thise favorite exibit/plane there.
I wish, the harddrive I had them all on crashed on me before I could get them backed up. Of course it crashed after I deleted the pictures from my camera!!! I seem to have the worse luck with digital cameras and picture loss of my aircraft photos!!!

TPBM thinks I need to be more careful with my pictures.

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