The person below me (TPBM)

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Well sort of, I did try and avoid everyone this weekend but my wife. The weather sucked so we shacked up in the house for a bit of alone time. We did leave the house last night for a few hours to meet up with some friends at the pub though.

TPBM never gets alone time except with Rosey Palm and her 5 sisters...
God I almost have to admit that is true. Getting quiet time with the wife is getting harder and harder. But today we are doing Christmas cards together. It's the small things that add up, I guess.

TPBM underestimates the amount of time your kids (existing or planned) take out of your personal time.
God no that's disgusting. I don't defecate in my bed either.

TPBM does not realize that pissing in the shower is the primary cause of your zinc coated drain rusting. You wanno know who pisses in the shower...just look at their drain.
Your right I did not know that. Did not really need to know that either, I guess..

TPBM is now hoping that there significant other does not know that little fact either and goes and looks in there shower drain.
I'm clean. Thank God I don't rent too. That would bug me every time I showered.

TPBM likes two story houses better than ramblers (single story house).
Dont go to health clubs. I do go to male/female mixed nude saunas and wellness centers though...

TPBM could not handle being in a male/female nude sauna and wellness center..
No I don't think that I could. Either I would be too self conscious of "shrinkage" or I would be walking around with an erection. Either way too embarrassing.

TPBM does not like the idea of nude people sharing bath water.
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