The person below me (TPBM)

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I thought he might have just mispelled protein. I've strange rumours from where those wacky canadians get their protein.

TPBM does not take kindly to canadian slights.
Nah, they don't bug me too much. Those pricks deserve it anyway, with their whale blubber eating, mukluk wearing ways. Sheesh!

Poutine is just French fries covered in gravy and melted cheese curds. I think it originated in Québec, but it's fairly popular along the east coast here.

TPBM is sick at the thought of what I just described.
Nope. I've got a smelly sock up against my nose to keep my wits about me.

TPBM is impressed with Skimmers response. That's why we like those canadians. Thick skin you know.
No I'm not.

TPBM is only typing because he's to lazy right now to fix something to eat. Secondly, he doesn't have that problem anymore. meaninghe/she is not hungry anymore.

Note, i would try that cheese gravy fries idea, but sounds to light.
Your giving fat americans a bad name Chief. And I have some italian food cooking for the fam.

TPBM actually would like to have the Canadian Special from NonSkimmer.
Can't say that I have...can't say that I know what a moose knuckle is either, even though it'll probably be very obvious
TPBM knows what a moose knuckle is and is laughing at my incompetence as he/she is typing
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