The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope I dont live in an apartment comunity. I did when I was in college though, and that was actually fun, because it was not a dorm but a community just for the students so it was just a big party.

TPBM still lives with there parents.
Nope because I dont think that playing sim games is anything close to flying.... It is just a game.

TPBM thinks that flight sims on a PC is exactly like the real thing and thinks they can go out to a plane and hop in a go flying.
Nope because I dont think that playing sim games is anything close to flying.... It is just a game.

TPBM thinks that flight sims on a PC is exactly like the real thing and thinks they can go out to a plane and hop in a go flying.

We overlapped Adler and you beat me to the punch.

No I don't...yet. I do know that there is a cadre seeking some credit however. And I can tell you from first hand experience that computer based instruction serves as a significant portion of accepted classroom curriculum.

TPBM has red hair.
Somehow I feel "acrobatics" was directed at me!

All 3 of my car mag subscriptions ran out and now I get American Baby. I do get Marine Corps Aviation Assoc mags too... that's it though.

Dammit beat me too Matt - I don't have red hair, it's brown!

TPBM spends way too much time on this site
If they are done properly for eggs benedict, you might have a point. Vinegar in the water is the secret however. Don't tell anyone.

TPBM suffers from periodic back pain.
Never watched it from beginning to end. And no apologies necessary. You got me fair and square.

TPBM watches 24. I keep hearing alot of hype, but have never watched that either. Don't watch much TV.

(blew it again, I'm outta here)
Never seen 24. Just heard about it two days ago. Apparently I live under a rock.

TPBM wishes they had some home-made wienerschnitzel w/ spaetzl.

Damn I got beat again.
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