The person below me (TPBM)

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No. To each his own. If you said "dead hookers in your closet", I might raise an eyebrow.

TPBM keeps his stamp collection in nice, neat binders under plastic covers.
God Lord. I heard just yesterday of a celebrity keeping a piece of their kids umbilical cord in a vial around their neck.

TPBM thinks any of this sort of silliness is unbecoming...unless if involves Angelina Jolie.
Its still silly...I hate attention grabbing bastards, people who are famous for just having a great talent, liek being a good singer or musician or actor or soemthing is fine, but people who do all these publicity stunts piss me off...and people who buy all these crappy magazines to read about how bad it is that someone has put on 1lb in weight and how bad it is gets me too...

TPBM agrees...
the media moreso but yes they all fall into the same pit of filth, espcially the way they teck one ounce of truth and make the public believe everything they say is true!

TPBM hates the idolisation of the famous..........
I actually pity them. Everything they do is neing wtched by the public eye.
Everything they do is criticized whether it's private or not.

TPBM has met a celebrity before.
never really, and i don't pity them, they know that they're gonna get all this hype- and most of them do really stupid things to try and generate the hype themselves, piss on them all!

TPBM agrees with me........
Not really, its obvious that theyre going to get press coverage but having every aspect of your life under seemingly constant surveillance must suck. I feel sorry for them, but its the price you pay for fame. Its wannabe's who have contrbuted nothing to society that make my blood boil.

TPBM is so bored they briefly forgot what life is.
if they don't want to have every part of their life invaded- don't do what most do and do stupid stuff to get in the news, better yet don't become famous!

but no i'm not boored infact i have too much to be doing to be on here

TPBM has a lava lamp.........
Not all of them do the stupid stuff...The media will make it look that way though more often than not...

Nope dont have a lava lamp...

TPBM has a novelty lamp...
Yeah I did. Even my kids went to school. They have officially went to school with the weather vacation schedule only 3 times in the last 33 days.

TPBM likes Stone Temple Pilots.
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