The person below me (TPBM)

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Not really, I actually find this is a way to learn more about the members of this forum. Yeah a lot of it is spam, but some of it does give true information about the people and then you can know them better.

TPBM has never answered a TPBM truthfully.
Nope since I dont really care about British Premier League Football. The only I care about a team from there is if they are playing FC Bayern Munich in the Champions League and I hope that FCB beats the British Team only because FCB is my favorite team.

TPBM does not care about European Football.
Hey that's me! I have to stay in until I reach the 12 year mark or so... what's another 8 years! I'll only be 42!

TPBM has never been to their nation's capital.
I apologize for the mental diarrhea that just happened. I think I understand some of the NFL, but I'm not the biggest fan.

TPBM thinks that baseball is lame.
I used to. Now the strategizing and behind the scenes kinda fascinates me. And watching it is relaxing to me.

TPBM wonders where Brittany Spears keeps her money.
Well, I personally think she keeps it in her underwear, but she was very forgetful one night when she went out with a Paris Hilton and forgot her purse...nudge nudge.
TPBM has not heard of the incident I am talking about
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