The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope I used to when I was in the Army. Well not shaved all the way, except when I was in Iraq and then I Mr. Clean. Right now my hair is down to my ear lobes. I am growing it back out past my shoulders like before I joined the army. I can do that now...

TPBM does not like long hair.
Nah, growing my hair out a bit. I dont want it so long as i can have a pony tail, probably just down to just above my shoulders or something like that.

TPBM has had a manicure...
Never in my life. I keep my fingernails cut to the quick. Even a little white on people's fingernails make me sick.

TPBM thinks its alright to cut their fingernails in a restaraunt.
When I was a kid (about 10). Did contractor painting on apartment flats, as well as general gopher work on home construction.

TPBM has worked in a shipyard.
On a plate, nah thats impractical, much easier to have it payed into the bank, let them add it up and send you a statement every month

I dont have a wife, but im sure if I did she'd keep the phonebook in the perfect place

TPBM has tried to rip a yellow pages clean in half ...
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