The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope. And I've never had a fat chick either, yay ! You can't make 'em look pretty by turning the light off - that's my problem with 'em.

TPBM thinks the word bogey is freakin' hilarious
Lanc - where's your "TPBM" addition???

I like all the seasons, although I haven't seen a real winter in a couple years now.

TPBM has never seen snow before.
i have an external hard drive on which i have all data from the desktop and my MP3 player which has a LOT of important school work on it, i back that up atleast once a week........

TPBM isn't gnomey and has lost data in the past because they didn't back up......
lost my graduation project and had less than a year to finish it and present it.
Currupted floppy.

TPBM hate the whole graduation project consept.
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