The person below me (TPBM)

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Cowboys had an off season, we'll stop it there. Aggies are kickin ass in College bball though! Last time they had a good team was when my dad was here in the late 70s.

TPBM hates Terrell Owens.
I consider him a crappy Randal Cunningham.

TPBM thinks Randal Cunningham was crap as well.
No I dont, but I do think that Terrel Owens is a self centered bitch. I can say that because I hated him when he was a member of my team.

TPBM does not know how to fry an egg.
Yeah, because I ate 2 cheeseburgers and 7 chicken nuggets(We were out of fries). I'm definitely vegan.
If I don't have meat at least 6 times a week. I feel I have committed a crime.

TPBM is the same way.
Folks that don't eat meat in Texas are generally not trusted and avoided at all costs.

TPBM feels they have commited a crime with less than 6 beers/week.
Dont water ski. But I am looking forward to some warm weather so I can do some rafting, climbing and camping down in the mountains. Sunbathing at the nude beaches and pools will be nice too.

TPBM is apalled by nude beaches.
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