The person below me (TPBM)

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No, but wish that I was. Woodworking is my hobby never realized.

TPBM wishes they had other trade skills.
Yeah I wish I was better with woodworking and stuff like that. For the most part I wish I was better with cars. Besides the basic stuff I dont know **** about them. I think it is rather funny because I am a liscensed aircraft mechanic and dont have any problem working on them at all. I enjoy getting my hands dirty on aircraft but I have problems with cars.

I think it is because I think too much about the problem when it is something really simple (maybe because I keep thinking of helicopters that I work on). For instance I had an electrical problem with my jeep where the inside lights would not go out. I tore the whole thing apart looking for a loose wire or something. It ended up needing just some WD40 on the door sensors! :lol:

TPBM has had a similiar experience.
Yes I have. I'm an electrical engineer and house wiring gives me fits. I can do it. It's simple. But sometimes it makes me mental. A good example was trying to install a new thermostat for the furnace about two years ago. I think I almost blew an O-ring.

TPBM has had a similar experience.
I was the TPAY so yes I have. I think the problem is really over engineering it. You think of things that are more technical or adnvaced (as aircraft in my case) and think that it is too simple to be the solution so you over engineer it.

TPBM wishes they could have had a good 20 year old Bushmills Whiskey at the pub tonight.
Not feeling like whiskey tonight. All I want is a red/brown type beer fresh on tap... but I get to change diapers instead! :lol:

TPBM will have some beers for me this weekend.
Nope I went out last night had a few beers at the pub with my wife and friends and then my In-laws arrived today to stay the night. So I will be sitting around small talking with them.

TPBM hates small talk.
Yes I do. In fact if it wasn't for this forum, I would never engage in it. Just last weekend my parents and my wife were talking. I was staring at the floor. My mom asks "Matt, what's wrong".
"Nothing", I replied. "I'm listening. It's a foreign concept to many."

TPBM loves small talk about absolutely nothing.
Yes I do. In fact if it wasn't for this forum, I would never engage in it. Just last weekend my parents and my wife were talking. I was staring at the floor. My mom asks "Matt, what's wrong".
"Nothing", I replied. "I'm listening. It's a foreign concept to many."

That was me yesterday. Exact same scenerio and same question and comment.
Oh and as an answer tot he last TPBM.

No I dont hate myspace. I was able to get in touch with many old friends and keep in touch with my old military friends that way. I dont abuse it though, just to get in touch with people.

TPBM does not know where there old friends are.
Nope I do live near that town though. It is only a little over an hour to drive there. During the last years though I have been all over the world.

TPBM still lives in the same town they were born and are happy with that.
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