The person below me (TPBM)

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Yes and no. Again it is something that I dont want to speed up. I want to enjoy my family and my eventual children and dont want them to grow up to quick therefore my retirement can wait. Unless I can retire tomorrow because I win the Lottery.

TPBM plays the lottery every chance they get.
No, but my life plan is to find two winning powerball tickets on the ground and end up with torrential oodles of money.

TPBM wonders why everyone that wins the lottery ends up poorer than before with nothing to show for it.
The house we have, far away in Pensacola, was brand spanking new construction when we bought it... no need for new anything!

TPBM must constantly persuade their wife that remodeling is not needed.
Nope but she is doing a great job with the design of the house that we wish to build when we move to Alaska.

TPBM would rather live in an apartment than a house. (I actually know people like this)
Never heard that. Isn't reservoir dogs the one where in the beginning they debate whether you should tip a waitress or not???

TPBM wants to change career fields.
I'm an entomology major now, who knows if it'll pan out or not.

TPBM doesn't know what entomology is.
Isn't it the study of creepy crawlies(technical description)?

TPBM Has a new job offer
I wish I could afford not to have a real job. But I do have an offer of a new one.

TPBM is idependently wealthy and very generous. So much so they are going to elliviate all my finacial woes so I can spend all time with my partner(wife in Sept) and kids.
No pics Adler. And my days of doing stupid stuff is long gone. Besides we didn't have a camera when we dressed up like Micheal Jackson wannabees, two young Texas babes in our arms, and went to Billy Bob's Texas Honky Tonk bar looking for a fight. I assure you that took mucho alcohol. Lots of fun except for the last trip to the men's room before leaving. Lucky I'm still here to write about it.

TPBM is deeply disturbed thinking about that.
Only about the Michael jackson me the creeps!

TPBM is upset he didn't get a reach-around.
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