The person below me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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WTF? South Jersey? I outta come over there kick your ass for the thought.

TPBM now realizes what NJACO stands for.
Your right I have not. I have had friends from Jersey but none of them women.

TPBM has never met a woman with a sexy european accent when they speak english.
We don't have axsents here in Souf joisey, its the 51st State. And never needed to meet a woman with any accent... just need them to be quiet.

TPBM makes mayonaise lids for a living.
Nope but I have helped built a house for us to work out of in Iraq.

TPBM is somewhat pondering what Matt meant by Mayonaise.
And proud of it.

TPBM is trying to cut back on their red meat consumption.
Yeah, guess so. Eating more chicken. Want to eat more veggie-meat substitutes (mushrooms, eggplant, etc), but haven't been very successful.

TPBM has been to Disneyland.
Yeah, but I was so young I may as well of not gone at all. I don't remember any of it.

TPBM has never been to an amusement park in their life.
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