The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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TPBM has lost hearing from too many years on a flight line w/o hearing protection.

I have. My hearing is terrible because of 6 years of flying and working on the flight line. The only differenence is that I used my hearing protection. I had a flight helmet and CEPs.

TPBM does not comprehend how loud it is on the flight line or even how loud it can be in a helicopter even when wearing your flight helmet and CEPs.
Nope OH and know I was typing answering the last one that was before yours because I started typing it before you did. Mine was just longer that is why it took longer. If you would like ot look at when the posts were started I can show you. You broke the chain...
...Give it up.

It is allready dark where TPBM lives.
Nope but I figured it was up there. It is 1240 in Germany right now. Very sunny and good grilling weather.

TPBM thinks that grilling is a good idea and will do the same today.
Nope. Find it boring actually. And I'm the guy who kinda sorta likes NBA, if it weren't for the thug players.

TPBM wishes that another country was the prime superpower instead of the US and will tell us why.
Yes I do actually. I want liberal F'ers to own up to their responsibility that 4 year degrees in english, social farting around, and powder puff management are NOT economically viable. You will work at McD's with those degrees. They will not buy you a mansion. Get over it. You want to raise alpacas on an organic farm? Fine. But don't ask me to allow you to get on the dole because of your tree hugging, save the whales, spotted owl, don't eat yellow snow ways. Enjoy your octo-lacto vegiterian hell that you have created for yourself.

I'm done now.

TPMB likes soap that has little oil in it.
I do. I have a small lemon tree, a Palm Tree, a Venus Fly Trap, and some wiered plant that my wife brought home from her Biology Experiment stuff at school. When you touch the plant it moves... Wierd! My cat loves it though.
We actually have plants all over our house. We have a rather large Bengamini Tree, Several Palm Trees, lots of Cactusus, Bonzais and a bunch of weird stuff that my wife brings home from school

TPBM hates having plants in the house.
Not me, I love them. However, I don't like too many. I've had a Venus Flytrap. I thought that was wierd. But a plant the moves when you touch it. Freaky.

TPBM wonders how the plants move.
Yes, as a matter of fact I did. As a part time job I work in a greengrocers, and today (i added it all up) I bagged 560 kilograms of potatoes. Not very fun at all.

TPBM also works in a greengrocer's
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