The person below me (TPBM)

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No, I'm only 21 and that would be a horrible thing for the kids!

TPBM has a lingering feeling that he'll end up with 4 girls and no boys.
Actually I can because if everything goes the way it went in my wifes family there will be only daughters and if it goes like in my family where is skips a generation there will be only daughters.

TPBM is or was an only child.
No not truly. My brother died of Muscular Dystrophy at age 18.

TPBM thinks believes that if they had 4 daughters that their hair will be grey once they are all beginning the dating phase.
I know my hair will be grey, but then again I noticed the first grey hairs when I was in Iraq a few years ago so it will not surprise me since my daughters getting to dating age and Iraq are comparable.

Sorry about your brother Matt.

TPBM has lost someone close.
Sometimes I have enjoyed the bare clam. Both are good. But depends upon how and when they are caught.

TPBM enjoys hardwood floors more than a small landing strip.
I dont think that Screaming Eagle understood what Matt was implying.

But as for Screaming Eagles thing:

No I have hardwood floors and marble and only carpet in a few rooms.

TPBM is going to educate Screaming Eagle on the landing strip.
You bet I do...tomorrow I turn 54. You are 24 and then one day you wake up
in this old worn body and it is some kind of dirty trick! But I wouldn't trade
all the fun I have had over the years.

TPBM thinks old is 40...
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