The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope not really. Been to it a few times and I dont need to go back. To many people. I would rather go the local ones like in Nurnberg where only a few hundred thousand people attend instead of 6 million. Same thing though, only less people. Therefore I like the local ones better.

Now having said that, the Oktoberfest is a must to attend atleast once in your life just to experience and say, I did the Oktoberfest.

TPBM really would like to experience the Oktoberfest.
nope but the best way to handle it is to ignore the issue... they will get bored.


has never sat in the cockpit of a war bird
Nope. This may sound strange, but I enjoy watching them every bit as much as I would enjoy flying in them. Typical geek engineer I guess.

TPBM wonders if Lanc will ever return on a regular basis.
Indeed I do wonder, perhaps because Lanc was a prominent poster when
I became a member here, and he had an off center sense of humor that
I liked.

TPBM appreciates some of the colorful types they meet on this forum.
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