The Small Model Expo 2009 in my city

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Siggy Master
Jun 19, 2005
A few months ago the Expo took place here in my city.As usually it was organized for young modellers with a competition for them. It has appeared it was the year of Corsair and Su-22.During the Expo a few older and adolt guys were displaying effects of their work as well.

Here a few pics.


  • Corsair 1.jpg
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  • Corsair 1a.jpg
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  • Corsair 1b.jpg
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Awesome Wojtek! Were you a judge again?

THX Harry. Yes I was.:)

Concerning the Corsair pitot tube.It seems it is quite common it is bent. :lol:

Here the next one.


  • Corsair 3.jpg
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Great photos Wojetk and a couple of good models being shown. Bent pitot probes were very common and I've even seen a couple completely concertinaed.
:hotsun: :hotsun:
THX guys....:D

These above are of 1/72 scale models . Here is a Corsair of 1/48 scale. It is a job of an older guy.


  • Corsair 2b.jpg
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  • Corsair 2.jpg
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THX guys...:) and here a few more shots.


  • Corsair 2c.jpg
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  • Corsair 2d.jpg
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  • Corsair 2e.jpg
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And here the last three shots of the Corsair.


  • Corsair 2f.jpg
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  • Corsair 2g.jpg
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  • Corsair 2h.jpg
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