The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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-2 C today and heavy snow. We got another 15cm throughout the day and it is supposed to come back tonight and tomorrow with another 15cm.

The only thing that sucks is that we probably won't be able to see the Lunar Eclipse tonight.

And this thread is getting way to long, going to break it off...
...The only thing that sucks is that we probably won't be able to see the Lunar Eclipse tonight...
Same here...cloudy, raining and possible thunderstorms...

The interesting thing is that this eclipse is on the solstice and hasn't happened in hundreds of years and won't for about 90 more AND there's supposed to be a meteor shower along with it (Urseids)!

I am completely bummed
Right at 32F in Va. Beach, but very windy. I suspect, with the wind chill, it's about 28 or 29 F. The storm that pounded the west coast is suppose to hit us late Saturday. Snow is predicted.

I'm up in the mountains of NW New Jersey so It's always colder here than most of the rest of the state. About 26F this morning which is the warmest it's been so far this week. Haven't gotten much snow yet, but we deserve it after the 3' we got last winter. My niece moved to TX and constantly posts on Facebook how it's 80F and sunny and misses the snow! Bugger off!

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