The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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On Sunday, I was lounging in the back yard with a Marguerita in clear sunshine and 25C warmth. On Monday, in less than 24 hours, the temperature plummeted to 3C and it began snowing. At 3:24am this morning, my wife and I were awoken to a thundering crack and found our 40 year old ash tree looking like this:

Note that very few leaves had actually started changing colour. The fact that they were all still on the tree allowed the wet snow to accumulate to make a load that was obviously too heavy for our poor tree. I hit the rental store when it opened at 7am and got myself a chainsaw and here here's the yard now.

On Thursday, we have our company golf tournament and on Sunday it's supposed to be back up to 20C and Sunny.

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