The Weather Where You Live?

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Unusually cool the past week, even cloudy and occasional rain...typically this time of year the temps should be around 100 degrees with relentless sunshine peeling the skin off of unsuspecting tourists

At the moment it's 66 degrees...hopefully said tourists won't think it's like this all the time and decide to move out here by the truckload :/
:) First real rain in 5 months over the last 2 days 1-1.5" 80-85' migth get alittle break on the h20 and electric bill next month.The only positive about the lack of rain is some sweet watermelons this year.
HOT and HUMID!!! Temps in the mid to upper 90's the last several days. Dew point was 81 degrees yesterday. Normally I would go for a walk in the woods on weekends, but yesterday was too stiffling. I went outside last nigh to cook some Venison on the grill and have a couple brews and I broke into a sweat just raising a glass of beer to my mouth.
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it should be about 105F out but nope.............a cool summer with wind and about 77F, cloudy

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