The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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I know this is totally off topic but its been bugging me for a while. Can anyone tell me what the emoji bacon icon denotes/meaning.....?
Would be much appreciated to know
Bacon is the best of the best, if someone gives you bacon you have reached the seventh level of bacondom and are close to the spiritual state of bacondia. Just search bacon on the forum search. is just an informal way of giving the highest praise (but we do have threads dedicated to bacon)
Almost got bacon for the car pic.
Now had it been a Ford Escort Mk1 (or MkII), sideways, in the snow, in Keilder, you just might have got a lot of bacon !
Ooh ! I did like my old Escorts in the forests - wouldn't mind one today, but a) they cost too much, and b) I wouldn't be able to get into the darned thing !
Must be worse, and colder, where you are Karl.
Being sheltered a little by the Pennines helps here, although being high up, we get more 'weather'
Currently -4C, dropping to around -5C and with a stiff wind from the east, so windchill makes it around -9C or more.
Just had a short blizzard, with visibility down to about three feet, and the snow about 4 inches on the main road, with a bit more on my road.
Now got four more cars abandoned at the junction !
Should be fun tomorrow, as heavy snow is forecast, with winds at 45 mph.
blizzard, with visibility down to about three feet, and the snow about 4 inches on the main road

that was my drive to work, 80 minutes instead of the usual 25 !
was stuck behind a transit van doing 14mph on a fairly clear bit of road.....
though guisborough is pretty bad
It's a bit of a problem in the UK, as we haven't really had much snow that often over the last 20+ years, and there's a whole generation who haven't had any experience of driving in snow.
It's easy for me to criticise when the country comes to a standstill after 25mm of snow, but then I grew up in an area where, when we got snow, which was every year, for months, it was an average of 120mm deep on the main roads, not counting drifts, and everything still worked, as everyone was used to it, whereas now, it is a problem for the average person.
That said, I'm a bit stuck now, as there is solid ice beneath the snow outside my house, making walking dangerous, and my mobility scooter is going to struggle methinks !
+2C and sunny yesterday with no wind. Went for a long skate on our lake - beautiful. Supposed to get another 10 to 20cm of snow starting today and into Sunday.
More snow, temp at -5C at the moment, but with a 45mph wind blowing from the east, the windchill is lots !
Ground is frozen, and walking treacherous - couldn't get to the shops due to lack of traction with my mobility scooter !

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