The Weather Where You Live?

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As Hurricane Irene prepares to batter the East Coast, federal disaster officials have warned that Internet outages could force people to interact with other people for the first time in years. Residents are bracing themselves for the horror of awkward silences unwanted eye contact. FEMA has advised: "Be prepared. Write down possible topics to talk about in advance: zombies, movies, etc... Remember, a conversation is basically a series of Facebook updates strung together
Funny stuff H..................true, but funny
A pleasant sunny day. Temp is 80 at 1300, and not going to go much higher. However, rain from T.S. Lee is expected to dump on us Tuesday thru Friday.

Location central Texas. Yesterday north winds at 35 mph, hum 16% and 100 deg. on the west side of the tropical storm. Many bad fires out of control, the biggest has burned over 400 homes and 18,000 acrs 25 miles to my east headed south and it's out of control. A cool front has passed through this morning for the first time in four months bringing relief.
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