The Weather Where You Live?

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-Well, the December weather was interesting. The Lake Tahoe basin got over 19 feet (5.8m) of snow and the Mammoth Lake area got over 16 feet (4.9m) in one month. This may not mean a lot to our Canadian neighbors or folks in Alpine regions or Scandinavia but it qualifies for a bunch around here.
-Locally snow has wandered down to the 4,000 ft (1,220m) level but mixes with rain when the temperature goes above freezing. The current snow line is holding around 5,000 ft (1,525m).
-Hopefully the trend will continue for the rest of the winter. One California reservoir was down to about 19% capacity a couple of months ago; it is now up to about 30%.
Wow. Here it went from the ground being covered in snow and temps in the teens (Fahrenheit) to rain and slightly warmer weather, only in the mid 30s to 40s. Ya gotta love global warming.

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