The Weather Where You Live?

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Somewhat more than Hobart's annual rainfall!

Are you in a flooded area?
We were flooded in for 3 days, though no direct house risk as we live halfway up a hill. Mind you it has started raining again now...sigh
While all around us and south of us there have been massive floods causing many deaths we have been dry and that is a problem when you depend on tank and dam water.

Last night we got 108mm and the tanks and dams are now full. 87mm was in 55 minutes.

Here in Northern California, we keep getting rain in the forecast and then on the much anticipated day, nope: clear, warm and windy.

It's like that old GEICO commercial where the fisherman is dangling a dollar in front a person, keeping it just out of reach while saying: "Oh, you want that? Huh? You'd like that wouldn't you?"
Being from Eastern Oregon and having family there still. RAIN is what you need indeed.
Right now we're under a tornado warning until 10pm local time. There are five tornado warnings (meaning tornado has been sighted), the closest of which is 15 miles from here. My dog and I are hunkered down at my mom's house, which is much safer due to being a limestone house set into a declivity, compared to my trailer, located on high and generally clear ground. We'll be staying here until the watches and warnings have abated.

Haven't heard any thunder in ten minutes or so, which is muy bueno.

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