The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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Currently, it is 92°F (33C) sunny with clear skies overhead and to the west.

But to my east, is nothing but a massive line of towering thunderheads stretching across the horizon with severe weather beneath.

And it looks like it's headed this way...
A rippin' T-storm early this morn, goddamned hot this afternoon. My dog doesn't mind the heat, but damned if the boomers don't freak him out, he jumped in bed when the lightning was cracking -- by counting time half a mile away -- and some were right overhead., just a simple flash-bang.

We returned to sleep and laid in to about 7 AM.
You got more tonight if I followed right. At least just a little north.
No ditch digging happening here this week! Same as with really cold or crappy weather, plenty of bench time. May have time to do 3 for GB58? Humidity may be kind of low but its the dew point that has been the killer the past week and beyond. I hope Carrier was sainted!


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