The Weather Where You Live?

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We are having the BEST electrical storm ever! Thunder Boomers right overhead. Bang Pi, Thailand knows how to have a great storm.
The Bay of Naples has badass T-Storms that roll in usually around 2 or 3 in the afternoon during summer that are some of the most spectacular I have ever experienced.

Made my visit to Herculaneum especially memorable (and haunting, too).
Cool and a bit of rain expected.
New neighbors moving in next week.
The old neighbor sold to a young family rather than getting a really big payout.
We are happy!
Here we are with no rain since April and the Kiwis are not only having a wet winter but now they are going to have a months rain in a couple of days - to quote expect 220mm to 320mm of rain in 24 hours in many areas. THEY call that a months rain - we call that 1/3 of our annual rainfall.

Chuck us a hose from your roof gutters and we will take all the overflow.

Seriously though - keep safe to all our members in this area
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Getting cold unseasonably early. We have had to cover our tomatoes and other veggies to protect them from the near freezing temps.
Says it all

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