The Weather Where You Live?

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10 C/50 F, storm's already here, the weather forecast promised gusts of wind of hurricane strength.
I think it'll be a far from peaceful evening and night.
I have cleared anything that can fly, from my balcony, recharged the Maglite, there's food in the fridge and coffee on the thermos - and I put some fresh batteries in the little radio that I've got; I'm ready.
I will GG - especially after I've just seen this:
Our big christmas tree by the local train station took off and landed at the nearest crossroads earlier tonight!
Photo courtesy of my old school inspector, Jørgen Guldborg, who lives just nearby:

Beautiful day here in Va. Beach. Temp at 1420 is 68F, quite sunny and very little breeze. A good day for working in the yard.

Be safe in that gale, Maria....

CC, I'm envious. The weather where you live sounds wonderful.
And I'll be careful, the worst is over by now, and the storm is slowly moving towards Bornholm - and Sweden as well. *cackle*
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