The Weather Where You Live?

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Hope all you Texans are not in the Fire zone!
They look as bad as here in Oz!
CA, what in Tarnation.... 10ft of Snow??????
More than that, plus the Sierras and Siskyious are having repeated blizzards.

I believe it was a ski area near Tahoe that was experiencing winds in excess of 100mph.

Here in East Redding, there's been light rain with snow all around - but, he temps have been dropping all afternoon. Currently, it's 38° at 15:00 - it was 46° at noon.
MN DNR is posting a 'high' rating fire watch for significant parts of Minnesota (basically the southern half) due to a combination of dry ground and moderate-high winds. Usually this does not occur until late-May or early-June. Usually we have snow on the ground this time of year.

A 'high' rating means fires start easily and spread at a fast rate
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