The Weather Where You Live?

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I'm an Oregonian born and raised. I fully agree, Rainer, Adams, St Helens,( and she was a very pretty cone before) Hood, none compare to Shasta. Especially from the lake.
My Mom is a native Oregonian, born in Medford, raised in Trail (and Tule Lake Internment Camp in her early years), so I spent alot of time visiting family and friends of family in the Trail and Shady Cove area in my youth.

One of the places that I have a fond memory of, is Crater Lake. I cannot begin to imagine the size of Mount Mazama, let alone the violence of it's eruption.
Years ago, I read that a large ignious boulder was found north of Sacramento, which was identified with Mazama's composition and deposited by way of it's catastrophic eruption. They estimated that it's eruption would have registered 10.1 on the Richter Scale!
Well it has been another hot August. It has been over 100 the past couple of Weeks. The last 2 days has been 110 F. Waiting for fall.
We lived just south of Chemault (10 miles) at the foot of Mt Scott, part of the Mt Mazama offshoot. Just about 7 to 10 miles south of us was Dimond Lake junction. Mt Thelson was viewable in the morning.

From April 2017.

Portland and Gresham is where my dad lived.
Went deer hunting in Eastern Oregon with him a couple of times.
Beautiful country.
Portland and Gresham is where my dad lived.
Went deer hunting in Eastern Oregon with him a couple of times.
Beautiful country.
We always hunted up on Walker mountain but nowadays you get a permit for where you live and if you live in Portland Gresham Eugene than you have to hunt west of the cascades. From what my brother in law says you have to get an out of state type license to hunt elsewhere. Don't make no sense to me but you know we put them in office and keep putting the same ones in and than it's our own damn fault.
Perfect summer's day here. Sunny with high haze, was 77°F/25°C with 45% humidity, 6-8 mph breeze. If I was somewhere with a cat and a hammock I would have been sleeping in the sun in the hammock with the cat.
We have a fenced in nature reserve just up the road with lots of nice walking tracks, it's an area where some of our endangered species are protected, all the predictors having been removed and there is a full breeding program for the endangered animals. We also live in an area where the water catchment has also been tuned into a nature reserve with good walking paths for the enjoyment of all.
Technically it's still winter here in Australia and yet next week we are forecast to hit 33°C (91.4°F). Yuck!!!

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