The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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Its 7c here we've had less then 10cm of snow or 5 inches all winter , the lakes have no ice in them really bizzare winter , I guess its god bless global warming . 1 month til spring

That is how it has been here in Germany as well. Absolutely terrible. I need my snow and winter! :lol:

WE have about 6 inches of snow outside right now and that is the most we have had all winter, hell it has only snowed twice this year. Average temp has been between 8C and 13C all winter long. Way too warm. This is the first really cold spat we have had. Temp is -10 C outside right now.
Got global warming here this weekend, 12"s of snow. My Honda snow blower will be used....
going out to let car idol for a few hours and release all the CFC's I can find..... just love Global Warming . I'm sorry about all you guys living near sea level or places with no fresh water . Its 37f or about 3c and not a drop of snow on the ground

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