The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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You guys in the UK with the snow go driving please I need some entertainment on the news later

They do the same over here in Germany, whenever they show news reports from the US and people driving around in the ice and snow. Just causing wrecks...

People over here know how to drive in the snow as well...

Anyhow current Temp is -17 C/ 1 F.
It's raining in Va. Beach. Temp at 1900R is a mild 50F. So this is what winter on the east coast is going to be ? For cryin' out loud, I have lettuce growing in my garden !!! Trust me, lettuce should not be growing outside in the mid Atlantic states, in February !

The high pressure area from Belorussia is still affecting the weather here. It was CAVOC all day long but the temperature hit -14C and is going down. No snowfalls.
Very cold since start of February. Today it's "only" -8C in comparison with -29C few days ago. It's snowing with short breaks for over a week now. Can't remember when we had this much snow as these days.

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