The Weather Where You Live?

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To my U.K. friends.


Have a nice summer.

Hi from a very wet North of the South Island. We've had torrential rain here, which resulted in the back of my house and the garage being flooded! None actually got in the house since I was able to make a dam in the garage before the water reached the step into the house. I spent a couple of hours digging ditches and making dams in the rain to divert the gathering waters. All the drains down the drive had filled with dirt and silt and so the waters washed part of the drive way away! Have spent the last two days filling in holes and digging out water channels of silt.

We have a bank behind the house and water usually flows down channels dug for that purpose, but a misplaced pile of bricks by the next door neighbour diverted the water past the channel and into our garage! Needless to say the bricks have been moved! The road a mile from us was closed as well due to slips. Thankfully the rain has stopped now.
Hasn't rained in a couple weeks...not a single cloud in the sky for days now.

Got up to 102°F (40°C) today but should cool down to 70°F (21°C) tonight, like it did last night.

Probably going to be warm again tomorrow...looks like summer is off to a good
Took a nap after supper and was awakened by a loud boom of thunder. It was a lovely evening with temps in the 70s and light winds. I looked outside and saw a light rain falling in bright sunshine. Went outside and looked to the south where I could see dark clouds and hear the rumble of thunder. Dark clouds were moving in overhead and the wind picked up. The rain increased and chunks of hail came down, then the rain stopped, the wind dropped off and the sun came back as the skies cleared. This was all in 1/2hr.
Another over 100deg day, setting a record here for heat and dryness... Colorado is on fire with over 9 of them,One has already burned 250 homes and is only 50% contained. We need rain bad.

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