The Weather Where You Live?

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Send some of that rain this way. Soil is completely dry to 5ft(1.5m). No rain in sight. Temp today 112F(44.4C) humidity 16% about like the Sahara.
I do have vague memories of rain, that's where water actually falls out of the sky, right? Clear bright sunny, 6PM and 108F(42.2C) Fireworks in town tonight but to hot to leave the house even at 9:25PM
Send that wet stuff this-a-way. Abit cooler 107F humidity stuck at 16%. Some of my medium sized trees showing the effects of water lack. Leaves starting to brown, just like fall
Hot hot hot friggin' hot damn hot F'in hot etc etc - point is it's HOT with no friggin' oxygen...(gasp...)

Swap you guys 10 degrees of warm weather for some bloody wind...

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