The Weather Where You Live?

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We have been on a heat wave for the last few weeks. Temps have been hovering at 100+ degrees F with very high humidity. Heat indexes have been up around 120F. We really need some rain...

On my way home from work today, it was a stable 100 F and very humid.
After that brief episode of sun for a couple of hours, we're back to what has become normal since the start of the year - rain, rain, and more rain.
I believe B&Q are now selling DIY Ark kits!
Apparently, it's thought the jet stream is going to move soon, back to its 'normal' position north of the British Isles, so we might get some summer weather in a week or two, which will also cool things down in central Europe.
Finally cooled off a bit here, with Highs around 85 to 87 F. Still no rain in sight. We have had a serious drought going on for the last month and half. The Mississippi is dangerously low, making it difficult for heavy barges to navigate the river. The crops from the farms here are dieing away, and the livestock are running out of feed. They are starting to open up conservation land for the livestock to graze on.

We really need some rain, and not just the 1/8" that we get from time to time, that then dries up in minutes because of the 100+ degree F temps.

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