Nov 10, 2012 #4,103 Grampa Senior Airman 542 3 Feb 4, 2005 that whas quick, norab has it, It's the Edgley Optica, even called the flying "light bulb" because of it shape.
that whas quick, norab has it, It's the Edgley Optica, even called the flying "light bulb" because of it shape.
Nov 10, 2012 #4,105 rochie Moderator Staff Mod 22,942 7,722 Aug 9, 2006 billingham nr middlesbrough uk is it an alouette III (dunno if thats spelt right) that french helo with meccano looking tail ?
Nov 11, 2012 #4,107 norab Staff Sergeant 1,006 49 Jun 4, 2010 Here is a clue. It is an. American design
Nov 12, 2012 #4,108 norab Staff Sergeant 1,006 49 Jun 4, 2010 Another clue, it is a design from the largest producer of airframes
Nov 12, 2012 #4,109 Aaron Brooks Wolters Brigadier General 16,554 2,428 Jul 28, 2007 Abingdon, VA. Sikorsky XR-5?
Nov 12, 2012 #4,110 norab Staff Sergeant 1,006 49 Jun 4, 2010 not a Sikorsky, it is a four seater used by the US Army, Guatemala, and Iran Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
Nov 12, 2012 #4,111 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,039 12,593 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK I was going to suggest Kayuse (Roach), but it doesn't look quite right for that.
Nov 12, 2012 #4,113 Aaron Brooks Wolters Brigadier General 16,554 2,428 Jul 28, 2007 Abingdon, VA. It is not a Lynx either, must be French.
Nov 12, 2012 #4,114 norab Staff Sergeant 1,006 49 Jun 4, 2010 It is not French, It is an American design
Nov 13, 2012 #4,115 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,039 12,593 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK Kaman Husky?
Nov 13, 2012 #4,116 norab Staff Sergeant 1,006 49 Jun 4, 2010 nope, there was a really significant clue a while back
Nov 13, 2012 #4,117 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,039 12,593 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK It's niggling me, as what can be seen seems familiar, but isn't the obvious choices !
Nov 13, 2012 #4,118 Capt. Vick Moderator Staff Mod 13,859 5,947 Jul 23, 2008 Long Island, New York You tricky bugger, it's a Cessna CH-1 isn't it? "Largest producer of airframes" = Cessna?
Nov 13, 2012 #4,119 norab Staff Sergeant 1,006 49 Jun 4, 2010 Captain Vick has it and got the clue correct, sorry all but I can't resist being a little devious at times, Cessna's only helicopter design and it still holds a few world's records Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
Captain Vick has it and got the clue correct, sorry all but I can't resist being a little devious at times, Cessna's only helicopter design and it still holds a few world's records
Nov 13, 2012 #4,120 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,039 12,593 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK not at all what I expected! Good going Jim !