The What is it? Game

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No more guesses? Ok here's some hint. It where known by pilots easy to handling and therefore an populare plane for them to fly exept for common engine breakdowns, but they where never build over 750 and they they where never used before 1980, none of them where equipt whit missiles exept for several of them were refitted as testbeds for new missiles. It also had no tailwheel. One confusing thing here about this name of the plane is that there also another type of plane that came 4 year earlier, that straight winged fighter had the same name as this one but it only only became no more than a prototype. it could reach between 2500-3000 km whit external tank
Ok sorry but I latley have being busy whit the x-mas time. so here's some new hints. It uses 5 wheels. The latest of the family who where a reconnaissance version where build whit a complete redesigned wing for high-altitude. The radar it's equpt whit is big and making a big rounded nose on the plane. It uses 2 gun's. photo of the guns and the big radar.


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Ok here's some more cookies for you guy's. Instead of ordinary 2 main landingear at back as many interceptors, it have only one that is cetral placed back on the fuselage. The prototype flew for the first time 1950. the wing are swept back 45° at quarter chord and mounted in full-mid position.


  • Namnlös.png
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Ok heres one. It has wood-and-metal structure. The design-projekt began 1934. A modified prototype broke six world records speed whit payload 1935. Many other country used this plane. This plane was by far the most important offensive warplane of World War II it served for the country it whas build from. The main identification mark is above but here's a tip, one of them is on the belly like this photo shows.

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