The What is it? Game

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Darne ! I was never good with prototype / test numbers ! It's the Hawker P something or other ( I think), before Kestrel and Harrier, or was the one I'm thinking of Kestrel ?
Probably wrong but I'll throw into the arena....BAE Hawk 200 prototype.
I'm scratching my head now! That canopy/windscreen frame has a late 1950s look about it, and what appears to be either an ejection set or explosive canopy jettison warning triangle. I was going to suggest the Martin-Baker seat test Meteor, but retrieval system has me beat!
No doubt I'll kick myself when someone gets it !
There was only one of this particular aircraft built, as a test-bed, Smoke.
A stab in the dark, although those rivets don't match up - the Jaguar fly by wire canard test thingy!?
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