No, it is a new design inspired by the Cessna. It is a STOL whose design was originally motivated by missionary groups who wanted an aircraft able to get in and out of anywhere
wow, I have to admit I had to look up on the web... bad me !
this was difficult, as it is a civilian aircraft, hopefully you let the PT6 visible !
Very nice aircraft ! and the power to weight ratio is crazy, thanks to the PT6, similar to the Pilatus who can dive with the parachutist, always impressive !
I think Aaron could be right. But of course, I could never say, or write, that name, could I?!!
Oh dear, I need to go and lie down, I've come over all feint ....
HOLY POOP KNOCKERS!!!! You mean I got that one. WOW! I amaze myself sometimes. Course,....that was pure luck. Ok, let's see about this one. And Terry, this is not a Hippocrockafrog.
Sorry dude...I was looking at the chequered paintwork on the cowling and remembered that souped up T6 you'd taken pics of a while ago !. Round engine and a custom paint job, i was sure I knew plane and got it pinned !
It's late...well, it is here anyway ! here's an easy (ish) one for you. I'm sure you guy's will get it straight away
That was my initial thought, but the perspective seems as though the gun is a little closer to the engine than the front of a B-25. I think it's an Invader maybe? Because it does at first glance seem to be a nose-wheel aircraft, and I'm pretty sure I can see it in the prop hub, but it's pretty distorted. I thought it was a B-29 at first, but a) it has four props and b ) the cowling is too round. Though that may be cheating!