The What is it? Game

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Okay, little clue for you my friends,
This aircraft is linked somehowe to the Spitfire, they even share the same engine...for a short time.

Think this is given no ?
But I just discovered an other interesting aircraft, and I want to let you find it in an other quizz
Beat me to it. I think it's the underside centre section of a Bf109G, or maybe a Buchon ( a 'G' re-engined with a Merlin).
EDIT: We were posting at the same time¬ So, an Emil, not Gustav or Buchon. Good one.
Hummm, you were really more precise my dear Airframes, but I am sorry, Norab answered before, do we agree to let him post the next quizz ?

Don't worry I know what is a Buchon my friend Ha1112 to be precise, there are in fact more difference between an Ha1112 and a G4/6 (As the B109G4/6 is the closest to the Buchon with plain wheel and profiled part on the upper side of the wing to allow bigger tires to fit into it, but not the big model as on the later G6,G10 and K4, (depending on the factory of course) that allow even bigger tires ! ), for example the cockpit instrumentation and instrument panel are spacific ( with British instrument ) the tail aerodynamical section is inverted ( the Merlin runs inverted compared to the Daimler) etc.... (I skipped the armement part etc... this is a really long subject ).
But in this case this center section part is specific to the 109E model
No problem, Norab was definetley first,
You're correct re the 'Buchon' of course, although the first to receive the Merlin engine were those provided, in kit form, from Germany, as 'G' models. Lack of DB engines lead to the Merlin fit, and the other mods followed. But, there were so many 'unofficial' changes, it' hard to know where Hispano starts an Messerschmitt ends!
Grumman Wildcat (painted as a Marlet) N5833 ?
And this picture might show the front right wing just around the retract system ?
Happy to get this one
What is the problem between Terry and the Wildcat ? private joke ?

So here is mine, I just discovered this aircraft, but maybe some of you will get it quickly !

Have fun !
Post war Soviet you are on your way !

Wildcat Ugliest around ? hard for the poor Cat I would say this is not one of the most exciting Grumman desing (as the Tigercat) but I think we have done ugliset things in France before and after WWII...!
Looked through Google?!! Dear oh, dear!
Whatever it is, it could very well take the crown from the Wil..., from that thing!
I have a feeling it might be a prototype for an assault helicopter, something like the Hind - but I'm probably wrong!
It also looks like it might be something else, something like a B-25, mocked-ip to look Soviet, for a movie or something.
You can use google, books or whatever you want on this one
As I said I discovered this aircraft 2 days ago ( yes I said aircraft ...not a choper )
Soviet, post war, and yes you can ad prototype (btw this one is not at the mohino museum ...tricky hum ? )
Anyway glad to have the interest of all of you

Yes...French made "interesting" desing hahahaha !

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