The What is it? Game

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Is not a Cessna helicopter, Bell 47, Cayuse, very close with the cocktail straws melted together over a candle (not really ).

Its not from an AH1...I skid you not !...and its not Santa's ride

Made in the USA, using a mix-match of bits, its a glider with multiple engines !
No bites ?

Made out of three aircraft !

And no...I'd never heard of it either


  • waht1.jpg
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I haven't a clue, but I lmao'd at "glider with engines"...

Aren't they all?

This one has the landing skids from a Bell 47, a fuselage from a Schweizer glider...and a set of Cessna 170 wings hung on top !...reckon some-one must've had a few of my 'special' drinks, either that or the committee that designed it weren't talking to each other !
You got it Jim

It was a new one for me and shall we say... an interesting design ?


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