The What is it? Game

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Post #10,241 is a Finnish Brewster B239.

I have an affinity for Brewster Buffalos, I have built several as scale RC aircraft. The last one I built (originally built as a 339, not 239, but close enough) carried this same number, BW-366. This was the third Buffalo I had built, the previous two being destroyed in mid-air collisions. And that is why the last one carried "BW-366".

I thought that since the real BW-366 was lost in a ramming (by a Russian Yak-7) the color scheme apropos.

Post #10239 is a Finnish Brewster B239.

You and I are going to get along really well!

I-16 ?
Yes it is an 1-16 , well done.
This was correctly identified waaaay back on post #29 in 2010....we've moved on a bit since then.
Have a go at the latest offering when it's posted and see how you do. If you identify it correctly first, then you get the chance to post an obscure part of an airplane for us to have a go at.
Please note that this thread is for airplane parts only, not ordnance attached to a 'plane of ground equipment.

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