13 January 1940
Known Losses
Escort Vessel AURA II (FN Navy (Merivoimat) 446 grt): The escort vessel and former presidential yacht was sunk by one of her own depth charges as it exploded in its thrower while she was attacking Shch-324 ( Soviet Navy) off Märket Island, Baltic Sea with the loss of 26 of her 41 crew.
MV FIRE KING (UK 500 grt(est)): The coaster collided with DUKE OF LANCASTER (UK) off the Isle of Man and sank with the loss of one crew member.
MV SYLVIA (Sd 1,524 grt): Crew 20 (20 dead - no survivors). Enroute Hull (9 Jan) - Aberdeen (12 Jan) - Gothenburg. Fully laden with general cargo and coal. The cargo ship was torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea north east of Aberdeen by DKM U-20.
DKM War diary
Selected Extracts
(Interesting that the DKM Operations Division thought a British invasion of Norway unlikely, and also likely to be costly to the DKM should they attempt invasion. An accurate prediction. Raeder in his enthusiasm to invade disregarded the advice of his own staff!!)
Kriegstagebücher (KTB) - War Diary
Wilhelmshaven: U-25
At Sea 13 January 1940
U-15, U-20, U-23, U-25, U-30, U-32, U-34, U-44, U-60.
9 boats at sea.
North Sea
ML DDs IVANHOE and INTREPID of DesFlot 20 laid minefield IE‑2 in the German channels of the West Wall minefield in the Heligoland Bight. They returned to the Humber on the 14th after this operation.
MSW NIGER attacked a submarine contact in Knock Deep (a channel outside the Thames estuary, roughly south of Felixstowe). Sloop GRIMSBY escorting a convoy attacked a submarine contact off Scarborough. DD COSSACK departed Leith on the 10th to prepare for high speed trials. Lying in the stream, she was involved in a collision with cable ship ROYAL SCOT, escorted by DD EXMOUTH, in the Firth of Forth on the 13th. COSSACK returned to Leith for repairs and was able to carry out her gun trials on the 15th.
FN.70 departed Southend, escort DD VIVIEN and sloop STORK, and arrived in the Tyne on the 14th. FS.72 departed the Tyne, escort sloops AUCKLAND and STORK, and arrived at Southend on the 15th. Sloop BITTERN found a German mine which she towed towards Sheerness. It was secured to the Nord Buoy and beached from there by harbour defence patrol yacht GLALA (51grt).
Northern Waters
West Coast UK
DDs FAME, FORESIGHT, FURY, FORESTER arrived in the Clyde. Sub TRIBUNE was missed by two torpedoes. There is no German record of this attack and submarine SHARK was exercising at this time in the area, but did not report an attack on a submarine.
Liner DUCHESS OF YORK (UK 20021 grt): The ocean liner ran aground off the west coast of Scotland and was severely damaged. She was refloated on 17 January, repaired and returned to service.
CL DIOMEDE departed Plymouth for Rosyth.
Central Atlantic
SLF.16 departed Freetown escort AMC CHESHIRE, DDs HARDY, HOSTILE and submarine SEVERN. The DDs and sub were returning for duty in Home Waters. HARDY and HOSTILE left the convoy on the 20th and called at Gib. Sloop ROCHESTER and DD VISCOUNT joined on the 24th relieving the AMC and sub. SEVERN reached Portsmouth on the 24th, while the convoy arrived in port on the 27th.
Med- Biscay
HG 15F of thirteen ships departed Gibraltar 13 January, escorts:
13th DDs BROKE, KEPPEL, WALPOLE, WALKER from Gib. Also sloop ENCHANTRESS from OG.14F
14th As above
15th DD AMAZON joined, DD KEPPEL detached when she was damaged in collision with Fr DD JAGUAR
19th DDs WALPOLE, WALKER detached
22nd Convoy arrives
Indian Ocean
CVL GLORIOUS departed Trincomalee on 29 December and arrived at Aden on 7 January, Suez on the 9th and Alexandria on the 13th. She proceeded to Malta on the 15th escort RAN DDs VENDETTA and RN BULLDOG, and arrived on the 17th for refitting, completed on 25 March. BULLDOG also refitted at Malta, until the 24 February. On 26 March, GLORIOUS, escorted by DD WESTCOTT and RAN DD STUART departed Malta for flying-off exercises.
Far East/Pacific/Australia
Known Losses
Escort Vessel AURA II (FN Navy (Merivoimat) 446 grt): The escort vessel and former presidential yacht was sunk by one of her own depth charges as it exploded in its thrower while she was attacking Shch-324 ( Soviet Navy) off Märket Island, Baltic Sea with the loss of 26 of her 41 crew.
MV FIRE KING (UK 500 grt(est)): The coaster collided with DUKE OF LANCASTER (UK) off the Isle of Man and sank with the loss of one crew member.
MV SYLVIA (Sd 1,524 grt): Crew 20 (20 dead - no survivors). Enroute Hull (9 Jan) - Aberdeen (12 Jan) - Gothenburg. Fully laden with general cargo and coal. The cargo ship was torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea north east of Aberdeen by DKM U-20.
DKM War diary
Selected Extracts
(Interesting that the DKM Operations Division thought a British invasion of Norway unlikely, and also likely to be costly to the DKM should they attempt invasion. An accurate prediction. Raeder in his enthusiasm to invade disregarded the advice of his own staff!!)
Kriegstagebücher (KTB) - War Diary
U 25 sailed in accordance with Operations Order No. 18. Naval War Staff has extended the orders for the conduct of the war in certain areas. U 44, which should at present be southwest of Ireland, has been ordered to remain off the western approach to the Channel for a few days, and then proceed to the west coast of Spain at about the same time as U 25.
Wilhelmshaven: U-25
At Sea 13 January 1940
U-15, U-20, U-23, U-25, U-30, U-32, U-34, U-44, U-60.
9 boats at sea.
North Sea
ML DDs IVANHOE and INTREPID of DesFlot 20 laid minefield IE‑2 in the German channels of the West Wall minefield in the Heligoland Bight. They returned to the Humber on the 14th after this operation.
MSW NIGER attacked a submarine contact in Knock Deep (a channel outside the Thames estuary, roughly south of Felixstowe). Sloop GRIMSBY escorting a convoy attacked a submarine contact off Scarborough. DD COSSACK departed Leith on the 10th to prepare for high speed trials. Lying in the stream, she was involved in a collision with cable ship ROYAL SCOT, escorted by DD EXMOUTH, in the Firth of Forth on the 13th. COSSACK returned to Leith for repairs and was able to carry out her gun trials on the 15th.
FN.70 departed Southend, escort DD VIVIEN and sloop STORK, and arrived in the Tyne on the 14th. FS.72 departed the Tyne, escort sloops AUCKLAND and STORK, and arrived at Southend on the 15th. Sloop BITTERN found a German mine which she towed towards Sheerness. It was secured to the Nord Buoy and beached from there by harbour defence patrol yacht GLALA (51grt).
Northern Waters
West Coast UK
DDs FAME, FORESIGHT, FURY, FORESTER arrived in the Clyde. Sub TRIBUNE was missed by two torpedoes. There is no German record of this attack and submarine SHARK was exercising at this time in the area, but did not report an attack on a submarine.
Liner DUCHESS OF YORK (UK 20021 grt): The ocean liner ran aground off the west coast of Scotland and was severely damaged. She was refloated on 17 January, repaired and returned to service.
CL DIOMEDE departed Plymouth for Rosyth.
Central Atlantic
SLF.16 departed Freetown escort AMC CHESHIRE, DDs HARDY, HOSTILE and submarine SEVERN. The DDs and sub were returning for duty in Home Waters. HARDY and HOSTILE left the convoy on the 20th and called at Gib. Sloop ROCHESTER and DD VISCOUNT joined on the 24th relieving the AMC and sub. SEVERN reached Portsmouth on the 24th, while the convoy arrived in port on the 27th.
Med- Biscay
HG 15F of thirteen ships departed Gibraltar 13 January, escorts:
13th DDs BROKE, KEPPEL, WALPOLE, WALKER from Gib. Also sloop ENCHANTRESS from OG.14F
14th As above
15th DD AMAZON joined, DD KEPPEL detached when she was damaged in collision with Fr DD JAGUAR
19th DDs WALPOLE, WALKER detached
22nd Convoy arrives
Indian Ocean
CVL GLORIOUS departed Trincomalee on 29 December and arrived at Aden on 7 January, Suez on the 9th and Alexandria on the 13th. She proceeded to Malta on the 15th escort RAN DDs VENDETTA and RN BULLDOG, and arrived on the 17th for refitting, completed on 25 March. BULLDOG also refitted at Malta, until the 24 February. On 26 March, GLORIOUS, escorted by DD WESTCOTT and RAN DD STUART departed Malta for flying-off exercises.
Far East/Pacific/Australia
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