Thunder 2010 (photos)

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Senior Airman
Feb 6, 2009
Had the honor of taking Witchcraft to Thunder this year. Great time and a great show! ALOT of photo opportunities.
jim harley
Arrival...B-24 style!

Leeward was having a ball!!

I am reorganizing my Photobucket account which explains the missing photos. Just go to photobucket and search HarleyB25 and you will find a boatload of Collings Tour photos I've shot over the years. Thanks for all the nice words!!! I'll keep post 'em!

@ Geedee...thanks, you know I have been flying these planes for 8 years, it never gets old and it is a privilege that none of us take for granted. It is important to share these experiences, which unfortunately is rarely done these days. That said it is a hell of alotta work but the rewards cannot be described. We plan on flying these airplanes as long as we possibly can and it is important to enjoy them now before they are parked. Thanks again everyone as well.

For geedee...on the way to Thunder departing Mt. Comfort IN


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