Titles for members

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Sep 19, 2006

Underneath the names of users there is a title like "well known member" etc. Apparently these are derived from the amount of posts you made. I noticed that many people had the title "active member", even while they had not been active on this forum for 5 years. This is confusing I think for non-regulars. Maybe we should change these titles?
After reading this thread,I've just noticed that previously applied 'honour titles' (for want of a better phrase) beneath member's avatars, have gone.
For example, I was kindly awarded the title 'Benevolens Magister', which is no longer displayed beneath my avatar.
I also don't like the "Well Known Member" thing.

Can the titles be changed?

I wouldn't mind maybe going back to the old "rank" system that we used to have 10+ years ago.

0-10 posts = Airman
11-25 posts = Airman 1st Class
26-100 posts = Senior Airman
101-250 posts = Staff Sergeant
251-500 posts = Tech Sergeant
501-750 posts = Master Sergeant
751-1000 posts = Senior Master Sergeant
1001-1250 posts = Chief Master Sergeant
1251-1500 posts = 1st Sergeant
1501-1750 posts = 2nd Lieutenant
1751-2000 posts = 1st Lieutenant
2001-2500 posts = Captain
2501-3000 posts = Major
3001-3500 posts = Lieutenant Colonal
3501-4000 posts = Colonal
4001-5000 posts = Brigadier General
5001-6000 posts = Major General
6001-7000 posts = Lieutenant General
7001+ posts = General


0-10 posts = Airman
11-25 = Senior Airman
26-100 = Lance Corporal
101-250 = Sergeant
251-500 = Flight Sergeant
501-750 = Warrant Officer
751-1000 = Pilot Officer
1001-1250 = Flying Officer
1251-1500 = Flight Lieutenant
1501-1750 = Squadron Leader
1751-2000 = Wing Commander
2001-2500 = Group Captain
2501-3000 = Air Commodore
3001-3500 = Air Vice Marshal
3501-4000 = Air Marshal
4001-5000 = Air Chief Marshal
5001+ posts = Marshal of the Air Force


Just go back to...

New Member

Of course if the staff decide to bestow an "honor title" on a member, that become their title to set them aside from the regular forum membership.

Agreed Chris.

Would also be nice to see the date of your last post in a thread when you hover of the bit that tells you how many posts you have in a thread.

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